Thursday, August 28, 2008


So I have been pretty bad about taking pictures of the knitting I have done. But here's some things I've made and I promise that I'll update more often when I finish something.
Socks & legwarmers for Timothy, Alexis & Caleb
socks & legwarmers
Baby pinwheel blanket, not for any baby in particular (made from leftover Plymouth Encore), but when it was done blocking it still didn't lay flat, the edges curl - block again? circle "pinwheel" blanket blocking
these socks I made for my mom for her birthday - can't remember the pattern (I found it online) and the yarn color is called "North Carolina" can't remember by who - I bought it over a year ago because they were getting ready to move to NC my mommy's socks
And then these slippers were a Christmas gift for my stepmother Ruth. The top didn't felt the way the rest did (I did use the wool with the fur) and the Fair-Isle (my first time!) felted tighter than the striped. it was an experiment really, trying to make boot slippers. But they're pretty! felted slipper boots
I have some "works in progress" - a few I'm actively working on, some that are in danger of becoming "UnFinished Objects" (UFOs - doo doo doo doo, you are now entering the Twilight Zone), but they'll all get finished eventually.

Monday, August 25, 2008


In-laws are visiting, busy sight-seeing and fishing every day. Here's some evidence...
Day 1 Child's Glacier
kids & Grandpa at Child's Glacier Jeff & his mommy
Haystack Trail where we found a geocache
kids the geocache box
Day 2 Fishing
Jeff & Brett Brett & Grandpa
And Day 5 River Rafting
everybody on board!
Me & Jeff on the river

There's lots more pictures on my flickr, so check 'em out if you want. I'm hanging out right now -Jeff has left and his parents are out fishing again (they're taking home their weight in salmon, just you wait I'll get a picture tomorrow and you'll see for yourself).

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where in the world

Brett has discovered geocaching. His first experience was a couple weeks ago at day camp, they went on a hike to geocache (I don't even know if that is the correct way to say it?), and he didn't say much about it, just raved about all the hiking & swimming in the lake they did.

And then today was "Active in Our Community" (part of National Health Center Week Celebration), and they had a geocaching workshop. Jeff & I didn't go, the kids went with their friends (we were busy cleaning house for his parents visit), and our neighbors were there and they like to go geocaching. So Bruce was showing Brett (Jenn said it was Bruce's fault that we now need to get a GPS lol), and he had a ton of fun. So when he was telling us about it, I told Jeff he should call his dad and have him bring his GPS and we could do it while they're here, and he said "We can get our own." That's fine, I don't have a problem getting our own, but we're not going to buy it in this town, we'd pay double the price you'd pay anywhere else.

Anyway, his dad said he'd try to find it (I don't know, that's just what I heard Jeff saying) and bring it with them. I'll keep you updated as to whether we do any geocaching during their visit or if we get our own GPS...

p.s. my wish for a week of no rain did not come true - it's done nothing put pour rain. now we have soggy pond-filled yards that we can't mow (the grass is really high)

Monday, August 11, 2008

60, believe it or not it really is warm

It's been sunny all weekend, (yes it's 60 & we're warm enough) and I have high hopes that it will continue because Jeff's parents are coming to visit. Maybe, just maybe summer is here - for a little while anyway. I checked the forecast & it tells me that there's going to be showers all week and into next week, but really what do they know?

My dad's birthday is this week and he's going to be 60. It sounds so weird to say that because I don't see him as being that old. And then to add to that weirdness is the fact that Madonna is turning 50 just days after his. Strange...very strange. And we're not even going to talk about the fact that I will be 30 in just 5 short months. Lord, help me.

The kids start school next week! Hallelujah!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

celebrity sightings?

The crafty people in this town are all abuzz with the arrival of the new Captain's wife. Apparently she is a crafting celebrity - she has written a crochet book, designs for magazines and a "famous blog" LOL. Her blog is The Hook and I, so I've been busy reading that today. Although I had not heard of her until yesterday I'm looking forward to meeting her now. She gets in this weekend, but I'm guessing I probably won't meet her until the boat comes back. From reading her blog she seems like she'll be nice and not a "Oh I'm the Captain's wife" type, should be fun getting to know her. And we are predicting that most of the wives will become avid crocheters and/or knitters by the time they transfer out - good times! :)