Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Random Moment of Cuteness

Roxy does not like to leave my side when she's really tired. So even when I'm doing dishes she curls up on the rug on the kitchen floor, or the bath mat while I'm showering, etc. Tonight I was making muffins and cleaning the kitchen, so since I was moving around too much for her to lay on the kitchen floor she got into the laundry basket (full of clean clothes) and curled up to sleep. She was so cute! When I took a fresh load out of the dryer and needed to put them in that basket she just layed there & let me put them on top of her. Silly puppy (she loves being under blankets too!)
it would have made a totally cute E.T. type picture (you know what scene I'm talking about), it's just too bad my camera is broken & my new(Nikon D60!)camera is in Hawaii with Jeff and won't be home for almost a month now.

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