Thursday, April 9, 2009

so adorable!

This video is from A Place To Bark's youtube channel, it's some puggle puppies that were rescued from a puppymill. And of course I have to show you because my puppy is a puggle and they are just the darned cutest things.

Anyway, A Place to Bark is having their annual fundraiser, and I really recommend that you read their latest blog post. Obviously everyone knows we are all having a hard time with the economy the way it is, but it's so heartbreaking to read about the hard time they are having because they rely on donations. So if you have anything that you are able to donate, I encourage you to help these rescued animals as much as you can (as little as that may be). Even if it's just $3. They also need items donated, so if you have anything to donate - towels, blankets, collars, leashes, etc.

Please check out their blog & website (you can even follow them on Twitter!

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