Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What's in a Name?

So I changed the name of my blog (haha again, if you hadn't noticed). I could never think of a good title, but I think I like it now. I'm trying to figure out how to add an image (okay, so there's an image there yes, but I want it to fit the whole header, not just be a square). I also added a "virtual model", and I'm unsure if it will stay (do I really want the world - or the few that read this - to see how much I weigh?) but I kind of like seeing the progress that I've made so far in a little cartoon chick.
I am so very low-tech, and really I do not need anymore reasons to sit at the computer, but I'm trying to read & find more interesting blogs to keep up with. I'm really just a lurker in the cyberworld.
Oh and I'm on twitter now too.

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