Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hole-y Pants, Batman!

What do you do when your favorite pair of jeans gets a hole in the crotch? Me, I sewed a patch over it. Now what do you do when you have 2 holes? *sigh* probably throw them away. Makes me sad because they are so comfy, but that 2nd hole is really very big - it ripped fast. I just spent $3 on that patch, should I salvage it before I throw the pants out? lol

Having a puppy is almost harder than having a toddler running around. She jumps a lot higher than my kids ever could, and sneaks into small spaces they never would have thought of. So I can't just put stuff up on top of the table or on the counter because she will get it down. Besides food stuffs, she is especially fond of pencils, knitting needles & yarn, and cardboard boxes (any size or thickness). The problem now is that she has outgrown the crate she came on the airplane with, so her new bed is our bed.

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